Sunday, 9 June 2013

June  2013
So its  been a while since I last added anything on here and thought it was about time I  shared all that  has happened  and is happening in the life of  this floral designer.

March .. Fresh Floral Jewelry is  official launched in the USA  at the Philadelphia  flower  show.

               I flew out  to Philadelphia  to work as a flower team designer  with  Bill and Kris  Schaffer on the Philadelphia  flower show for Schaffer  designs  and helped  to  create "Jack". the ripper   and  bring their design idea to life ,winning the coveted "best in show " award again for the 5th year  18.000 stems of  flowers were used in the exhibit and designers came in from all over the States and Canada

My first ever book was launched at the show and  it was spine tingling to see it on a book shelf  in a gift shop being sold.


My book arrives in the UK . A very proud Dad (in law )